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Playing Styles 

Playing Styles

The Didjeridu is used with other instruments such as the Bull Roarer and Click (or Clap) Sticks.

West Arnhem Land uses the quiet and uncomplicated patterns. Hummed notes are used in conjunction with blown notes to produce slower patterns. North-East Arnhem Land uses the first overtone, at about a tenth above the fundamental. Eastern Arnhem Land styles use the second pitch as well as a variety of techniques using manipulations of the tongue, lips and breath to create fast energetic rhythmic patterns.

The Didjeridu is often used as an accompaniment to song and dance. It is also used in ceremonial functions. A large version of the Didjeridu called a Yurlunggur is used only in ceremonies.

The Didjeridu is the center-piece of most of the Corroborees danced by the Northern tribes in the Territory and the East Kimberleys. A corroboree is an important ceremonial when all the various tribes of a region would come together to hear and recount the sacred stories.

- The Australian Aborigines, A.P. Elkin

Last updated:11/02/07   tt-lp

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